The Blog

ann taylor window display
NYC recap and Ann Taylor windows
Matt and I went on a last, last minute trip to NYC earlier in the week/weekend and had a great time. We've both never been so everything was new. :) It was mostly meetings and business, but we did ...

elizabeth dye
English Dept. Novel Romance Fashion Show 2011
I always love everything at Elizabeth Dye's shop, The English Dept. I also love that Elizabeth is always so sweet and lets me make some pretty things for the Novel Romance Fashion show. You know s...

andrea langer
Tag7 Photography
At Elizabeth Messina's Workshop last month, I had the pleasure of meeting Andrea Langer, an amazig photographer for husband and wife photography company, Tag7. They are currently based in Switzerla...

elizabeth dye
Congrats to Lovely :: Store Opening today!
I might be on the other side of the continent, but I'm thinking of how wonderful it must be for Lanie at Lovely today! Her gorgeous shop is having its store opening today. Be sure to let her know w...

bridal hair new york
Lovely Bridal Shop
I cannot wait for Lanie's Lovely bridal shop to open, April 8th! It is the perfect place for lovely and unique brides to find that perfect dress, accessory, or dresses for their bridesmaids. PLUS! ...

a novel romance 2010
More prettiness from A Novel Romance
As promised, more gorgeous Lisa Warninger photos from A Novel Romance.
I LOVE this dress. It was in that Portland shopping commercial in a previous post.I love the color of this dress. Swoon!I had ...

a novel romance 2010
A Novel Romance 2010
More to come... but I have to go to bed... I'm pooped. :)
Head pieces, belt: Twigs & HoneyModels: Sarah Clements, Kathleen, Linda, and more names to comeDresses: The English Dept.Location: Ace ...

elizabeth dye
Check out this lovely, updated website... now!
I was just grabbing the URL for the English Dept. in Portland and noticed... hey... this website looks different! Just passing along the word. If you've got a few minutes today, you should check it...

downtown portland oregon shopping
Have you seen these commercials?
Okay, probably only airing in Oregon, but I saw this lovely commerical promoting shopping in Downtown Portland while Matt and I were watching the Discovery Channel tonight, and they have a lovely a...

The English Dept 2010 Bridal Fashion Show
Coming soon...Don't you just LOVE that Elizabeth Dye dress in the photo????

dayna pinkham
Pinkham Millinery :: The Procession
Photo credits: Minh TranI wish we could have gone! Matt and I were way too sick and didn't want to infect anyone else, but if we could have, we would have gone to last week's Pinkham Millinery show...

elizabeth dye
I'm just giddy :: Shrug is done!
Remember that fabulous shrug that I adored from Christine's wedding? And then remember the trade with Elizabeth? I just saw a picture over on Elizabeth Dye's blog and I am just a little too excited...

elizabeth dye
Week of Inspiration :: Day 5 (overdue!) :: Best All Around
I never posted my last day of Inspiration week from weeks ago!Elizabeth Dye! Need I say more. She was the talent behind my gorgeous wedding dress transformation. She owns and runs (yes, meet her in...

ace hotel portland
More from the photo shoot :: Lisa Warninger shots
I gasped...when I opened my email from Lisa Warninger and viewed these pictures. Gorgeous.Lisa, thank you!!!Thank you so much to everyone who commented on the previous post! I'm so excited to hear ...

bridal hair
Wedding dream team collaboration :: Photo shoot
Whew! Yesterday was fantastic! I had a great time collaborating with some of my favorites (the best!) in the Portland wedding arena for a gorgeous photo shoot. Dress extraordinaire, Elizabeth DyePh...

a novel romance
A Novel Romance :: The English Dept. Fashion show and more!
Just a last minute reminder to anyone reading this Sunday morning, that the English Dept.'s Novel Romance fashion show is happening TODAY! See you there at Portland's Ace Hotel! Here is a sneak pea...

elizabeth dye
Twigs & Honey bride featured :: Congrats Stephanie!
Congrats to Stephanie and her now hubby, Lee, on getting married recently AND for getting their wedding featured in Portland Bride & Groom's Winter 2008 issue, on newsstands now!Stephanie looks...
elizabeth dye
More photos of Elizabeth Dye's 2008 Spring/Summer fashion
Yipee! I loved everything Elizabeth Dyecreated for her "break free of winter and welcome some color" styled line for Spring/Summer. There were lots of punchy colors, forgiving and flowy shapes, gre...
elizabeth dye
Fancy feet :: backstage at Elizabeth Dye's fashion show
Just a quick post with a quirky photo of the models' tootsies at Elizabeth Dye's Spring/Summer fashion show last night. More to come on this later. Brights!1 minute before it's time to go!

elizabeth dye
ELIZABETH DYE Fashion show :: May 9th at 7pm
Friday May 9th7 pmThe English Dept.1124 SW Alder Street503 224 0724So exciting!Yes, the fabulous lady behind my wedding dress, Elizabeth Dye, is having a fashion show in a couple weeks! It is also ...

elizabeth dye
Photo shoot :: Just some of the wonderful photos
I have been meaning to do a lovely post about the photo shoot we did with Paul Rich Studio and Elizabeth Dye, but I just keep running out of time! I've decided to post a nice assortment of a few of...
elizabeth dye
Birthday and a Boutique!
First off, can everyone wish my hubby, honey, lovebug a HAPPY BIRTHDAY?! It's his birthday today and how did we celebrate? Work! Yay! haha. Actually, Matt accompanied me to Portland yesterday to ta...
elizabeth dye
Photo shoot :: coming soon!
I just had to gush about some truly fantastic people we are so fortunate to know and work with! We recently (yesterday) had a photo shoot for the twigs & honey pieces and came away with some am...