Spoken For recap

Thank you to everyone that came by yesterday for the Spoken For event! We had such a wonderful time! I loved talking with and getting to know everyone and I think we've made lots of new friendships that I'm excited about. All the vendors were so awesome and unique. The event has been my favorite to participate in to date! It was like hanging out with old friends, relaxed and fun! Everyone that said "hello" to us - thank you!!! I loved talking to all the new brides, their moms, some dads, bridal parties, wedding enthusiasts and more!

We met sooo many people that I can't name them all, but a big thank you to Chelsea Howard (sooo looking forward to our cup of coffee together!), The Weaver House (Hannah and Kelty - freakin' goddesses in many respects), Commonwealth Rentals (for helping make my booth pretty!), and A & B Creative (my awesome neighbors at the event and planner/designer extraordinaires!). If you're in need of super amazing vintage rentals, be sure to check out Commonwealth Rentals in Portland, OR - The vintage sewing table, ladders and bench were all from there - really made our booth sparkle. :) Here are a few snaps of our booth!

spokenfor1spokenfor2spokenfor7spokenfor5spokenfor4Wow! That was soooo much fun - have I said that a million times already? Special thanks to my husband for all his support and help and Portland Garment Factory!!! More photos HERE.

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