For the first time in what seems like forever, Matt and I had a "date" night!
I can't remember the last time we went out or had a real evening together, so this was a definite treat. Matt had seen how stressed out and overworked I had been lately and suggested he'd surprise me in the evening and to "look cute". ;)
We ended up eating at a very tasty restaurant only a few blocks from our new home and I amazingly hadn't been there before. I had a good old fashioned burger and fries and Matt had steak and jumbo prawns, that he shared with me of course as I savlivated looking at those prawns. After eating way too much, we were going to go across the street to the local hotspot dessert shop, but were way too stuffed. We ended up going straight to the theater to watch the latest Indiana Jones installment, which of course wasn't my favorite among the series, but loads of fun regardless. We are BIG time Indiana Jones fans! Oh... reminds me of when I was a kid watching the earlier movie at the theater and actually having to sit in the aisle because it was so popular. I am getting side tracked!
It was wonderful to take a nice break and spend some quality time with Matt and I'll be making up for it late into the night working, but I love to do anything with Matt and I love to work (it doesn't really feel like "work"), so I wouldn't have it any other way.
On a side note, I wore my new favorite top out for the first time today on our date! Thank you Tiffany!!! Tiffany happens to be one of those little miss sunshine, sweethearts that I've come to know, among many other lovely and sweet ladies, through twigs & honey. It was so cute, but before we officially moved into our new place, we were taking boxes over and I noticed this big envelope hanging out of our mailbox/slot and of course, tore into it to discover the cutest top from Tiffany. Isn't she a doll? I've worn it with a few pieces in my shop because I had to wear it like a kid with a new toy, but really broke it in tonight. Thank you sweet lady! I have a few more posts like this coming soon! I'm starting to build such a lovely collection of new "favorites" and beautiful items that I must share that are some of the most thoughtful gifts I've received from the some of the most wonderful ladies I've worked with and have come to know. When I get my studio in ship shape, I'll be sure to snap those much deserved photos. Thank you sweet ladies!!!

Modeling the "Tiffany" top. :D

I'm also wearing my "Ashland" headband. Hair pieces I make for myself are usually for special/specific events and it's so much fun because each has a story to tell. I typically name them for the event and this one was for my 25th birthday about a year and a half ago. Matt surprised me with tickets, hotel, and dinner reservations for a play in Ashland, OR (home of the Shakespeare festival). Whenever I look at this headband or wear it, I always remember that whole lovely weekend. I'll look over at Matt and go, "oh, look... it's the Ashland headband... remember this, and this..."
*big smile*
I can't remember the last time we went out or had a real evening together, so this was a definite treat. Matt had seen how stressed out and overworked I had been lately and suggested he'd surprise me in the evening and to "look cute". ;)
We ended up eating at a very tasty restaurant only a few blocks from our new home and I amazingly hadn't been there before. I had a good old fashioned burger and fries and Matt had steak and jumbo prawns, that he shared with me of course as I savlivated looking at those prawns. After eating way too much, we were going to go across the street to the local hotspot dessert shop, but were way too stuffed. We ended up going straight to the theater to watch the latest Indiana Jones installment, which of course wasn't my favorite among the series, but loads of fun regardless. We are BIG time Indiana Jones fans! Oh... reminds me of when I was a kid watching the earlier movie at the theater and actually having to sit in the aisle because it was so popular. I am getting side tracked!
It was wonderful to take a nice break and spend some quality time with Matt and I'll be making up for it late into the night working, but I love to do anything with Matt and I love to work (it doesn't really feel like "work"), so I wouldn't have it any other way.
On a side note, I wore my new favorite top out for the first time today on our date! Thank you Tiffany!!! Tiffany happens to be one of those little miss sunshine, sweethearts that I've come to know, among many other lovely and sweet ladies, through twigs & honey. It was so cute, but before we officially moved into our new place, we were taking boxes over and I noticed this big envelope hanging out of our mailbox/slot and of course, tore into it to discover the cutest top from Tiffany. Isn't she a doll? I've worn it with a few pieces in my shop because I had to wear it like a kid with a new toy, but really broke it in tonight. Thank you sweet lady! I have a few more posts like this coming soon! I'm starting to build such a lovely collection of new "favorites" and beautiful items that I must share that are some of the most thoughtful gifts I've received from the some of the most wonderful ladies I've worked with and have come to know. When I get my studio in ship shape, I'll be sure to snap those much deserved photos. Thank you sweet ladies!!!

Modeling the "Tiffany" top. :D

I'm also wearing my "Ashland" headband. Hair pieces I make for myself are usually for special/specific events and it's so much fun because each has a story to tell. I typically name them for the event and this one was for my 25th birthday about a year and a half ago. Matt surprised me with tickets, hotel, and dinner reservations for a play in Ashland, OR (home of the Shakespeare festival). Whenever I look at this headband or wear it, I always remember that whole lovely weekend. I'll look over at Matt and go, "oh, look... it's the Ashland headband... remember this, and this..."
*big smile*