We're back! :: Short trip to Orlando

Matt and I had a great time in Orlando, FL last week for a business trip. It's nutty how things pile up FAST when you leave town! On top of the busy part of business, after we got back, Matt got sick, then I got sick, and our poor pup got sick too! I have been taking care of my two "babies".

While we were in Florida, we ate some great food and saw some Disney highlights. I couldn't believe the...
Matt and I had a great time in Orlando, FL last week for a business trip. It's nutty how things pile up FAST when you leave town! On top of the busy part of business, after we got back, Matt got sick, then I got sick, and our poor pup got sick too! I have been taking care of my two "babies".

While we were in Florida, we ate some great food and saw some Disney highlights. I couldn't believe the great 80+ degree weather. It was very humid, and the natural curl in my hair was loving it (though I tried to blow it out). Do other wavy/curly haired gals know what I'm talking about? It made me want to shave my head!

We didn't have a ton of time, but it was good for us to get outside! The whole Christmas decorations in warm weather was new for me. Holiday lights on palm trees... awesome!

I think one of my favorite parts of the trip was going to "Morocco" at Epcot for dinner with Matt. Delish!

Here are a few photo highlights:

Leaving Buena Vista Palace to go to DisneyWorld (right about now, I'm thinking about how my hair is getting curly)!

No lines at the Monorail in November!

First destination at DisneyWorld... Epcot!

I found this guy scurring across the sidewalk while we were walking to Downtown Disney. It then proceeded to pee and turn a bright green color.

Matt... the monster! Arrrh!

In Downtown Disney with my Lego dog. Indy would be so jealous!

At the awards dinner. I forgot to have a picture taken of us together. Oops! This will suffice. Like how we coordinated with the colors? I made Matt's pocket thing-a-mah-jig and he chose his tie. How cute!

Cool... black lights.

Look as this goofy guy. Matt and I were taking a lunch break at Tomorrowland in DisneyWorld when I spotted this bird. It wanted food of course, so I tossed it a bit of cream cheese filled pretzal. It didn't want it! What was midly disturbing was that when I tossed it a bit of turkey leg meat, it gobbled it up. I hope they are very, very distant relatives in the world of birds.

I asked a nice old lady to take our picture in front of Cinderella's Castle at the Magic Kingdom. I didn't realize until later, that you can't really see much of the Castle in this photo. ;)


The biggest gingerbread house I have ever seen!

Inside the Grand Floridian.
That's all!

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