blast... I hate being sick.

2009 has been quite the year of getting sick for me. I apologize for the slight delay in responding to messages... and I just realized today was a gov't holiday so shipments slated to go out today will be shipping tomorrow. I went to the post office today and was initially baffled by the locked doors. Since we got back from traveling, I got really sick... runny nose, coughing, sneezing, fever,...
2009 has been quite the year of getting sick for me. I apologize for the slight delay in responding to messages... and I just realized today was a gov't holiday so shipments slated to go out today will be shipping tomorrow. I went to the post office today and was initially baffled by the locked doors. Since we got back from traveling, I got really sick... runny nose, coughing, sneezing, fever, headaches, the works... Sat-Sun I literally got up to drink tea and went back to bed for the rest of the day. Today, I'm feeling slightly better but still pretty lousy... but it gives me hope for tomorrow. When I'm 100% again, I have some exciting things in store. I promise! Lots of mini and big projects in the works and there will be much to be tickled about.... but for now, I'm going to go rest my head. Thank you for your patience!
p.s. The lovely hot pink dress I wore in Istanbul I actually purchased in Istanbul. I will have the website to the quaint shop soon if you are interested in purchasing (The shop is in the Lonely Planet book on Turkey). The dress is stunning really... with rope ties, embroidery and it is long with a row of ruffles along the bottom (I wish I got a full length photo)... and I had it tailored for free by the shop owner's wife. :)

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