Celebrating 1 year together! :: M + M

Here are some photos from our evening last night. :)
We decided to go back to Willamette Mission State Park, where we had our wedding ceremony and reception 1 year ago. Such a gorgeous place. I packed a dinner picnic basket full of goodies!
Recognize my accessories? I wore the same hair piece and earrings as on our wedding day. Wondering about the dangling ribbons? They were from my bouquet! Before...
Here are some photos from our evening last night. :)
We decided to go back to Willamette Mission State Park, where we had our wedding ceremony and reception 1 year ago. Such a gorgeous place. I packed a dinner picnic basket full of goodies!
Recognize my accessories? I wore the same hair piece and earrings as on our wedding day. Wondering about the dangling ribbons? They were from my bouquet! Before we left for the park, I fashioned the ribbons onto a hair piece/brooch and tucked it behind my other hair piece.
Overall, a beautiful evening! As it happened multiple times last year, we got "kicked" out again after sunset. For whatever reason, I've been on a hat kick lately. I got Matt a couple custom made hats. One won't be ready for a couple weeks or so, but I'll be sure to post the end products soon!

MMmm... We grilled chicked burgers with home grown tomatoes, portobello burgers, locally grown corn, and on the side, orange jello dessert salad.

Isn't the cake so cute? Marion at Myriad Cake Design in Salem, OR, has a wonderful set up. 1 year from your wedding date, she will make you a brand new anniversary cake with any flavor you would like. I met with Marion a few days ago to pick up our petite cake. Just so happens her office is two blocks from our house. Such a small world. Anyhow, if you think you might not want a freezer burned cake a year later, this is a great way to have your cake and eat it too... and it tastes great! We actually had our real wedding cake too. It kept amazingly well! I made Matt a paper gift box with a paper & feather flower inside. You can kind of see it in the photo.

I love desserts. After the park, Matt & I were going to go to a theater pub, Northern Lights, but we missed the next showing so we headed to Cold Stone for some ice cream instead.

Matt got me a new pair of sparkles!
I love you, honey! Can't wait until next year when we get to do it all over again! Thank you, everyone, for all the thoughtful congrats on the previous post! :D

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