Gone fishin'

New line acting fussy.

It's been a very busy and productive summer this year. The one crummy bit has been the lousy Oregon weather. We have had a few nice days here and there, but this weekend, we finally had some real summer weather. I decided that Matt and I had to go do something that would maximize the weather so we went fishing. We went to the St. Louis Ponds, actually not too far from where...
Busy summer! Reading Gone fishin' 2 minutes Next New blog layout...
New line acting fussy.

It's been a very busy and productive summer this year. The one crummy bit has been the lousy Oregon weather. We have had a few nice days here and there, but this weekend, we finally had some real summer weather. I decided that Matt and I had to go do something that would maximize the weather so we went fishing. We went to the St. Louis Ponds, actually not too far from where we got married in '07. Perfect weather. Do you think we caught anything?

Peaceful. I saw two big fish heads pop out of the water and I swore, a little turtle's head. :)
Matt's the fishing expert.
Well... we didn't catch anything, but we sure had a great time and it was a good break from plugging and chugging away. By the way, 2012 is shaping up to be an amazing year. We have so much that we are working on but I can't tell you yet what it is, so I hope you can be patient and be sure to keep checking back throughout this next year!

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